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"Thoughts That Drain the Soul"- A article written by a stoner that may help you get through your day

Being stuck inside of your own head is one of the worst feelings we all despise. A loop of stressful thoughts that make seeing the bigger picture and our goals foggy. Throughout our development we are taught how to improve our intellectual intelligence, but never how to gain control and improve our emotional intelligence. This creates a huge void in society. A society of people working through life, without knowing how to dissect and control their own thoughts and emotions. Here are some tips that I hope can make life easier for you, stress free.

Positive Thinking:

This was the most impactful change I ever made in my life. It may sound cliche but with dedication, overtime you will see the results. Start waking up and thinking positive. Play your favorite music and go into the day uplifted. If you run into an inconvenience, redirect your mind and gain control. We control our brains. Redirect positive thoughts, get back in your zone, and keep going. Instead of focusing constantly on what’s going wrong and what you don’t have, focus on what's going right and the steps you're taking to fix the wrongs. Progress takes dedication and time. You're doing great, keep grinding. Understand the universe is a network of energy, if you're constantly creating negative energy through the mind, you're going to create a negative reality of life. Admire the positive.

The 10 Year Rule:

This was honestly a game changer for me. I realized a-lot of our stresses and worries are meaningless. Will this thought affect your life 10 years from now? Most of our day to day worries are small inconveniences. As long as you're working and putting effort towards fixing these inconveniences, then you realistically should stop stressing. Live day to day. It sounds corny but it’s true. Let a bad day be a bad minute instead. Ruminating only leads to a decrease in motivation and happiness. Get back in your zone and be productive. We have the ability to change almost every aspect of our lives. If we are stressed, then we need to diagnose where the stress is erupting from and make changes. Sitting around in sorrow has no benefit at all and is a key component to self-destruction. Transfer stress into passion, positivity, and productivity. No need to overthink, this time will pass soon. Zone back in and accomplish your goals, don’t let aspects of life deter you. Thoughts don’t disappear, we as humans need to educate ourselves on how to gain control of our minds and improve emotional intelligence.

Meditate and understand yourself:

 Life and consciousness is a mystery, take time to learn about yourself. Do whatever form of meditation that works best for you, it genuinely does wonders. A key component of dealing with stress is gaining more control over your thoughts and emotions. We go through life without truly learning about ourselves and the way our mind's function. We often go day to day living in these bodies, taking for granted the true power of our consciousness. Where not programmed robots with limited function. When we have problems, we go to other people for help. There’s no problem with reaching out for help, but don’t underestimate the ability you have to change. The reassurance of some-one with realistically no impact on your life, should not be the defining factor on your being able to fix certain aspects about yourself and life. We have the ability to control and change the way we allow our brains to respond to our experiences. Take a deep breath and relax. Remind yourself that this stress is not permanent. You will be okay. Learn about why your mind is having a stress response and diagnose what you need to do to have improvement. Refresh your mental living space and create a positive energy field. When in doubt, meditate and reroute.

Always remember you have control. Meditate, redirect positivity, be productive, and let it be a bad minute. We believe in you family, the world is yours.


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